1·The authors own teaching practice, to explore a set of suitable for five-year higher vocational nursing professional language course of practical writing writing teaching strategies and methods.
2·The project is called Writing On It All, and it's a participatory writing project and artistic experiment that has happened on Governor's Island every summer since 2013.
3·Reading and writing involve a number of senses and when writing by hand our brain receives feedback from our muscles and fingertips.
4·How is writing poems different from writing songs?
5·I like writing now, but my friend doesn't like writing.
6·Writing needs to be done daily, just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice.
7·These resources include the MIT Writing Center on campus, the writing tutor for the course, the TA for the course, the course website, and me.
8·Descriptive writing in the humanities, particularly in literature, is often mixed with critical writing.
9·Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us encounter.
10·The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one distinction and one practice that has helped my writing processes tremendously.